Here I am! 1981. This is the only picture I have to download for 1981. I got my first stiches this year. ON MY FACE. I didn't realize it until today, but I have never seen any pictures of myself after this accident. I have no idea what a 1 year old looks like with stiches. And the fact that probably the majority of people never knew good as I don't have a visable scar. Whew. I'll get to that downfall in a bit. Let's see, what was I into this year?
I LOVED my sister's room. I loved to play peek-a-boo and patty cake. Again, still some of my favorite games. Who doesn't love a good old fashion game of peek-a-boo? I really enjoyed going swimming. Not sure if this means I was "swimming" or if I just liked to be put in the plastic tub in the backyard. Just say's I like swimming. I was a talker too! I called my sister Gill instead of Jill and when the doctor told me to stay in the examining room I looked up at him and asked, "why?". Now comes the evil toy box story:
Jill had this wooden toybox in her room that was pretty cool. We still have it at my parents house. It is big, solid and can be used as a bench. The lid open's up but does not stay on it's own. So one day, Jill is looking in there for a toy (she is 3) and I am in her room, naturally. As she is looking, I make my way over there and pull up to view inside the box to see what she is doing. Jill finds the toy, grabs it, and let's go of the heavy, solid, wooden lid. Right.On.My. Head. It hits me right on my eyebrow and splits it open. Yuck, I don't even like typing about it. I had to get 2 stiches across my eyebrow. It is right on the brow line so you can't see it unless you look realllllllly hard. Oh' I'm getting grossed out typing this. I have to stop and rub my eyebrows. Every time I go to get my eyebrows threaded the random Indian lady always stops and says, "that hurt? you have scar." YES IT HURTS LADY, HURRY UP! Oh' it grosses me out. On to something else, fast.
My first birthday was at home with my family and neighborhood children. Typical cake, ice cream, etc. I got this wooden puzzle that is in the shape of my name, still have that. For Christmas that year I got my Strawberry Shortcake tricycle. I really remember that, kept it for many years.
Well, that year wasn't very exciting except for my 1st accident. There are many more accident's in the next couple of years that mysteriously involve my sister.
LOL. This is like a mystery novel where Jill seems like the obvious bad guy but then in a plot twist, YOU'RE the bad guy all along! Conveinent that there are no stiches pictures. Truth? Or guily trip? Hmmmm....
Can't wait for the next chapter.
In all seriousness, I know EXACTLY what kind of toy box you're talking about and no, they don't make them anymore because kids DIE because of them. The lids injure and trap kids.
You just barely escaped with you LIFE! I think this should be tweaked to a near death experience. :)
I'm pissed you had one of these. I, a little girl, had a football toybox. It was a football players HEAD. A plastic face in a helmet. And the top of his head came off to get to the toys.
My life would make a great scary movie.
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