Sunday, December 9, 2012

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

This weekend was very exciting!  The best part was that I got my Christmas present from Preston.  A new BIKE!  It is so cool and can't wait to go out and about town.  We took a ride around our neighborhood, but it is going to take getting used to riding on the real streets.  I would love to post pictures of the bike and me riding it, but I don't have any because I didn't have a camera with me besides my iPhone and well, that is just blah.  Then, later that night.............


We are super excited and of course I have already broken it out and taken some photos.  I wasn't really sure what to take pictures of, so I took pictures of Ashe, Trey, ribs Preston was cooking and then a leaf.  Check out my photo skillz.

by Preston

by Preston

Many more photos to come!  Looking forward to photos of my bike and bike trips.