Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When No One is Home

This past weekend was a serious of old school scary movies on channel MGM. The fest was called Death & Taxes. How cute. Sooooo...we DVR'd a bunch of them. One series was the Amityville collection. Neither one of us had seen them in awhile so why not. We have been watching them this week after dinner. Well tonight as we are watching one of them Preston made a very good point.

He asked, "so what does the evilness do when no one lives in this house? Does it just hang out until someone moves in?"

I thought about this for a while and then realized, although a fictional situation...what does it do? Who does it scare? No wonder it goes crazy when people move it. It is like a puppy that has had no one to play with for a very long time and now all of a sudden..FRIENDS! Toys! Objects in the house you can throw, curtains you can blow in the wind, and even better, People you can scare. So.Much.Fun.

It also made me think of that oh' so popular saying, If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around, does it make a noise? So my saying today is, If a ghost is living in a empty house, is it still haunted? Doesn't it take someone living there to be haunted? Otherwise it is just a house that no one knows about it. Right? Am I making any sense? I think I might have had 1 too many Tag-a-longs after dinner.

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