Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Ross is Always at the Airport"

I own all 10 seasons of Friends. I cried alone in the TV lounge of Mitchell Lofts when I was 23 and the last episode aired. I remeber calling my mom to tell her the importance of the season ending and how I used to watch the show with my "sisters" in the TV lounge at the GPhiB house.

Still in the fall I will put the dvds in and open the windows to let the cool air in the house. The cool air on a Saturday with Monica walking around with a Turkey on her head in the background is comforting.

Obviously I hope you have picked up on that I watch these shows a lot. I know that Ross told Emily at the airport that he loved her and she said thank you and got on the plane. I know that Ross came back from Japan with Julie only to have Rachel waiting to tell him she loved him, but ended up with a wounded on her head from failing. Luckly she had the flowers to stop the bleeding. And of course Ross had to race to stop Rachel from going to Paris.

My point is....Preston said something tonight I never thought of and yet it was so funny. "Ross is always at the airport". He totally is!!! How did I not see that?

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