Friday, October 8, 2010

Hello October (1 of 2)

Oh we are 9 days into October but I am already loving it...again. Today was the first day of October for me. Si, I know. I'm 8 days late, but whatever...I'm loving it.

All day today I emailed back and forth with my dear friend Kristin about the petting zoos, clowns, people that sleep with mini animals (sounds way more awkard then it was at the time), top 10 worst/good movies, clowns, clowns, and petting zoos. In that order.

Right after work today Preston and I went to the local Pumpkin Patch at the church. I am telling you folks, best.pumpkins.ever. We couldn't figure out which was the best. To the point that when we found our 3 P's the lady at the "church table" said, "you guys were out there awhile". Thanks church lady. We respect the value of the pumpk.

After we found out perfect pumpkins we went to an old fashion steak house and ordered old fashion sirlions with bake potatoes. It was awesome. We then followed it up with old school Blockbuster! They have a whole section dedicated to October Halloween movies. We spent about 15mins picking, came up with 2.

The first I wish Durbs was here. It was that amazing. The second movie was actually good. Sweedish and I have the feeling it is about to be released in USA, like normal. Ugh, we suck. But now...NOW I'm watching The Lost Boys. Classic. I love the Corey's. They are awesome 1987. Does anyone else love the 1987 Corey's???? Hotties. Sigh.

Oh' I almost forgot. We took pictures of our perfect pumpkins. We let the little guy watch the first scary movie with us, it was 3D so he wore the glasses. The pictures are cute. Then the middle pumpkin wanted to be a of course we let him dress up. By the end of the night, all 3 pumpkins are inside. Safe and warm. One is wearing a ball cap, one is holding a spray bottle, and the last one is sitting in a bowl of starburst. Dont worry. Pictures will follow.

I love Halloween.

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