Sunday, January 6, 2013

Classic Resolution Time

 It's a new year, so I made my resolutions.  They are the classic ones with some of my personal touches.

1. Exercise More: I want to make more of an effort to get into cardio.  I miss my running days and the more my friends and family get into running, the more I want to get back into it myself.  My husband is up to running 10 miles now!  I still can barely do 3 miles without stopping.  I have downloaded an app that should help me get back to my running days.  I don't have a goal or 1/2 marathon or anything crazy like that, just to be able to run again.

2. Drink Less: I would like to first make it clear that I am referring to alcohol.  No, I'm not drinking alcohol everyday that is making me want to drink less.  But if you are single/dating/married with no kids, the weekends tend to be afternoon lunch with drinks until around 3pm or game night until 1am.  It is more out of boredom than anything.  We have nothing to do on the weekends sometimes so.....lets go to a patio.  Right?!  Well, I have challenged myself to not drink until my 33rd birthday which is 44 days from January 1st.  6 days in and I'm doing really good and really liking the refreshing weekend of running, cleaning, and cooking.

3. Read More: Reading is something I have always enjoyed.  But when you are sitting on a patio or laying around the house recovering from the game night don't want to read a book.  My goal is to read a book a month.  I have already satisfied my quota for the month of January.  Looking for something good for February.  I might just focus it 12 books this year vs 1 a month.  That will allow me to overlap months or double up.

4. Write to Masami:  My very dear true friend moved to San Francisco this past year and I want to write to her.  She was my first friend when I moved to Texas and has stood by my side through everything I have done.  I miss her and her family.  A lot.

5.  Have a Baby: Ha!  Yeah, because it is so easy to check that off my list.  I have to make that happen before April or that resolution won't happen.

6: Take Pictures:  I have always loved taking pictures.  I bought a camera before my big European trip back in 2008.  It has helped me take tons of wonderful memories.  Now that I have a state of the art camera, I want to take more pictures.  I just need to remember to take it with me.  I have already forgot to bring it camping and to the OSU bowl game.

Those are the only ones that I can think of right now.  I know I thought of some prior to actually typing, but I kept putting of writing this...wait.

7. Write More:  I really enjoy writing in my blog and I find that it makes me happier in general as I get to put my thoughts out there.  I'm still not sure who reads this.  I see the views so I know people are reading it, but no one every leaves a comment or says something to me.  I'm ok with that.  I'm not doing this to get reactions, but it makes me happy to know that others are at least reading it.  Regardless....I want to write more.  There are several topics that I haven't brought myself to type about.  I think the more I write, the closer I will feel to expressing things.

Ok - I think that is it.  Those are my resolutions.  Hopefully I will be successful in my 2013 journey.

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