Thursday, July 30, 2009


It's always fun to get your Potential Junk Mail notice from Postini at work. You never know what is lurking out that you really were suppose to get. Maybe that person wasn't lying when they swooooooore they sent you the updates. This mornings notice made me laugh out loud. I mean, come on. How can you not be tempted to open and email with the subject line like this one:

7/29/09 11:30 AM
Subject: I'm dying here, you ass
Junk Filters

I didn't click on it obviously, I'm not stupid. But the subject line, "I'm dying here, you ass" is pretty funny. Maybe someday I will be able to send an email like that. Because we all know that if we are dying the first thing on our mind is to send an email out calling our friends asses.

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