I am exhausted. Wow! It takes a lot of work to host Thanksgiving dinner. My small kitchen doesn't help the situation of course. I was sweating at one point and told my mom that I didn't want to hear about her gravy anymore. ::blink blink:: I might have overreacted a little bit, but I was pulling the turkey out of the oven and had other thoughts on my mind. I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning. I have never used my china so that was the first thought on my mind! Yippee!! Buuuuuut....I didn't have the full set. Sounds like an excuse to buy them!
My set is now complete. First thing this morning when I came downstairs I set the table. I wanted to do it last night, but I know Ashe would have a field day with that around 3am. China and crystal? Yes, yes I will walk all over it and knock it over. Thank you! Here is my pre-dinner set up.
I picked up some flowers on my way home from work on Wednesday. I thought they added a nice fall touch. It was then time to get the cooking going. Here is my turkey. I didn't name it or anything, but it was a good little fellow.
This year I decided to do the Kidd Kraddick brown bag turkey recipe. It is super easy and the turkey tasted awesome! It wasn't dry or anything. And the outside was nice and golden brown. First you want to play with your turkey, like I did above. Get to know it! Have a little dance in the kitchen. You will then want to clean out the inside. Take out the neck and the little package of liver & gizzards.
Stuff it will carrots, onions, celery, and garlic. Just stuff it on in there. You aren't going to eat the stuff, just add flavor to it while cooking. Then comes the messy fun part. Put it in the roaster and smoother it with olive oil. Just lather it on up! As I was doing this I told my turkey that I was getting it ready for a trip to Florida. That it needed to get some oil on it so it could bake up nice and golden brown. I think it made the turkey feel better about it's future.
Place it in a brown paper grocery sack. If you need to, like myself, I used two. One on each end of the roaster. Then put it in the oven! Hopefully your oven isn't has ugly as mine. Didn't realize how dirty it was till I saw this picture. Oh' well! We cook a lot.
Cook it at 375 degrees for 15mins per pound. In our case we cooked ours for 3 hours and 20 mins. You can't look at it or anything so you just have to trust that it's doing it's thang. ::snap hand:: The rest is the classic Thanksgiving yummies.
Homemade Pumpkin Pie |
Orange's cut to be used for orange cup sweet potatoes! (you remove the orange guts and stuff with sweet pots) |
Father-in-law peeling the potatoes for mashed potatoes! |
TaDa - Orange Cup Sweet Potatoes |
Turkey was ready! Here are the action shots as me cutting open the brown bag to reveal the wonderful turkey.
It was beautiful! I was so happy. It was time to eat so we all got around the table and dug in.
The Gibson/Sherrell clan |
My plate, allllll carbs with some turkey. |
Ugh....now the dishes. They are still sitting in the sink. I'm about to run load number 2 in the dishwasher. This is going to be a 3-4 cycle job to get all of this done. Not even to mention the non dishwasher safe items I will have to hand wash.
Finally, I leave you with a picture of Ashe. He was such a good kitty during the whole lunch. He didn't get any food which made me sad, but I couldn't really throw him food when we were in the middle of a nice Thanksgiving lunch! Preston, his brother, and I were sitting at the table that had nothing but glasses left scattered about. I looked over and saw this cute little head pop up with the sweetest look of, "I'm thankful for you." It wasn't long after this picture that Ashe was giving some turkey.
Happy Thanksgiving Friends and Family