Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Loving 2009

So far 2009 has been really fun.

I have being doing a couple of things differently than I have in the past and by gosh, I think it's working! Who Knew? My 29th birthday was by far the best birthday I have had since probably my 20th when my at the time boyfriend surprised me with a trip to CA. This year I did a pub crawl down Greenville Ave. I have only done one other crawl and it was in Rome, Italy. I like to brag about that one. My first Pub Crawl was in know. So it is hard to beat that and I never will. Nothing beats seeing the American's take 1st, 2nd, 3rd in the drinking contest. That would be Clancy 1st, Malloy 2nd, and myself 3rd. Awwww...Rome.

Anywho, I did the pub crawl with a new friend and had a blast!! She was so much fun and her friends were fun too. Plus we made new friends along the way. This weekend is the DFW Mardi Gras Texas Country concert that, of course, I'm looking forward to attending. Last year I was ill, but still went so this year I think I need to make up for it. Next weekend my parents are stopping back through Dallas after their cruise. I'm excited about them seeing my house all fixed up and just relaxing. March is the wonderful infamous St. Patty's day on Greenville. April...not May is Cinco De Mayo but more importantly is Karen's birthday Quatro de Mayo!!!

Whew, and don't even get me started on June. South of the Border Concert in Me-He-Coooooo!!


KRiSTiN said...

in 2009 our friendship has blossomed. thus, explaining your happiness. you're welcome.


Sarah said...

you are 100% correct.