Friday, February 6, 2009

Toliet Paper, Kleenex, and Soup

Those are 3 things you don't want to find yourself without after being home 2 days with the Flu. I had not had a shower in DAYS literally and I didn't care. That was the last thing that concerned me. Let me back up to Wednesday morning.

I woke up feeling a little achey and sore throat. I had gone out to a Starz game the night before so I wasn't sure if it was the leftovers from my late night o' fun or if i was coming down with something. My tummy didn't hurt and I didn't have a headache so I was leaning towards the possible "coming down with something" theory. I woke up later than usual so I pulled my hair into a ponytail and quickly got dressed. I didn't get sweaty or go to a smokey venue so I felt like taking a shower when I got home would ok. Little did I know. Around 9ish I started coughing and started feeling eck. I had on a cableknit sweater and was so cold. I put on my peacoat, turned on my spaceheater and all went downhill from there. By noon I was ready to go home. I couldn't get warm, my whole body hurt, and I felt like my face was going to explode. It was so odd. Due to work timing I couldn't leave. By 4pm I was on my way to the Doctors. I barely remember much after this. The drive to the doctors office a haze. I get there and sure enough I have a fever of 101, well...100.7, close enough. He gives me Rx for 3 medicines and tells me he wants me to get them tonight. I stop at the CVS on my way home, I'm on my last straw at this point. It's taking all the strenght I have left to keep me driving and concentrating on the road. I feel like I could pass out if I shut my eyes.

I walk in the CVS and it is filled with other people all waiting. I fight the tears back and stand in line. I am not even exagerating on this, but 45 mins later I am sitting STILL waiting and I start to cry. It is almost 6pm, I have a fever, I'm in a strange place, and the lady next to me is singing under her breath some whitney houston song. I was so miserable. One of the pharmacist notices me and ask me my name. Within 5 mins my prescriptions are ready and I'm walking out the door, not even hiding my tears. I walk in the door and I don't even turn on the lights. I head straight upstairs. Quickly change clothes, take my pills, and in bed I go. That was 2 days ago.

This morning is the first time I have felt better. I know I talked to people yesterday and did some work that needed to be done but it is all blurry. I remember when my fever broke though. It was one of those classic moments where all of a sudden I was soaked in sweat. Gross. I took a shower soon after I got up and realized I had no toliet paper, no kleenex, and no soup. I had to get out. It was the most exhausting trip ever.

So here I sit, 10:36pm on Friday night. Watching Friday the 13th on TV and looking forward to tomorrow. I hoping I will feel like putting on real clothes and brushing my hair.

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