Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I know I sound negative, but.....

I debated how to approach this posting. The subject is eating at resturants. More importantly, eating with mixed company. When I say mixed I mean people that don't hang out on a personal level. I found myself in a situation today that really really frustrated me. Now, I know I'm guilty while sitting at a resturant with my friends and looking at the menu that I will say, "hmmm, should I be good and order something healthy? or be bad and go for the chicken strips?" I think we have all done this. What I DON'T like is when I'm sitting at the resturant and someone goes around to each person and ask what they are getting. When the person replies, "the fried catfish with mashed potatoes and gravy" the asker says, "oh wow! you're being bad!" I just think that's rude! There was one time we were sitting at a place with this said person and when the plates were placed down this person looked across the table at the other person's plate and said, "oh my gosh! that is HUGE. I could never eat that" Then don't!!!! Gosh, let people eat/order what they want!

Because of my past dealings with this person I knew today was going to be another one. Sure enough...it wasn't long before the comments flew. Here are some of my favorites:

"oh you are being bad. good thing you are getting exercise tonight"
"look at that plate at the table behind you"
"that sure is a lot of food!"
"i'm being good! see what I had?"
"are you getting that AND the side?"

and the best

"i can't believe you finshed all of that!"

I wanted to die. I wanted to turn to them and say, "will you stop judging other peoples eating habits!! It is uncomfortable, rude, and makes you look silly." But instead I just sat there and watched the person look down at their plate and say, "I was hungry."

There is my rant. I just think it is rude to comment on what people are eating. Unless of course you are actually having a mutal discussion about food. But don't tell people that what they are ordering is not heathly for them! You are not the poster child for healthy eating so you just look silly.


KRiSTiN said...

It IS ridiculously rude. If this is a coworker, I'm 99% sure I know who it is. And if it IS that person, let me just say, she absolutely CAN eat that much. SO next time just ask her why, if she can't eat that much, why her hips are that size.

Now I am ranting and being rude, but that irks me. Why can't people mind their own damn business?

Sarah said...

I think it is there way of making themselves feel better. If they can convience themselves that everyone else is eating poorly...then they like it.