Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Art of a Fine Grilled Cheese

I couldn't figure out what I wanted for dinner tonight. The more I allowed myself to do the pros and cons of a simple meal the later it got. I don't really enjoying eating and going to bed. It's one thing if it is 2am eating and going to bed, but 11pm eating and going to bed doesnt have the same feeling. Ok - so not 11pm but I still don't like eating dinner at 9pm.

I entertained the idea of chicken tacos. But I don't have sour cream, but then I do have Ranch Chipotle sauce that would work just as well...but then again...ugh. I also don't have tomatoes. So then I thought about spaghetti. But that's a lot of food and I don't want leftovers going into the weekend. That is when I settled on the GCS. Now lots of people make their grilled cheese different ways. Some people have told me they make it with velvetta. Others say pre-sliced, bless their hearts. I personally like to use chunk sharp chedder that I slice right off the block.

Step 1: heat up sandwhich maker

Step 2: butter outside of sliced bread (only on one side each)

Step 3: slice up sharp chedder, about 1/4 inch

Step 4: spread a lite...LITE...bed of mayo (light mayo for those who want the low fat) on one side of the bread.

Step 5: place cheese slices on the one side that has the mayo.

Step 6: no here is where it gets artful. take the other slice of bread and SMASH it on the other. you can make crash noises when you do this if you want. you know like "bequuuuuur". this will make the slices of cheese feel like they are humans in a Snuggie.

No one really wants a fluffy GCS, we all like the oozing of the cheese on the crisp slices of bread.

Step 7: place the sandwhich in the said sandwhich maker, close the lid. Set it and Forget it.! LOL - sorry couldn't resist. Set it for 5 mins.

And that is it! The perfect, in my opinion, Grilled Cheese Sandwhich. And so you know, it was very yummy and hit da spot. I paired it with a On Demand movie and topped it off with an apple. It was a crazy night in mi casa. If it was winter I might have added a cup of Toe-ma-Toe soup. There you have it. Feel free to try out this art and let me know what you think. Nothing beats a GSC. Well, my mom's friend chicken but that only happens on my birthday.

1 comment:

KRiSTiN said...

mayo? ew. we can't be friends anymore. :)