Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Gym

Dear Gym,

I don't know why you aren't talking to me this week. It's not like I haven't tried to go see you! On Monday I admit that it was my own choice not to come see you. I had my bag packed, it was in my car. I even drove by and waved at you! I was just so tired from the day before that I don't think you would have really enjoyed my company. I would have been there on 20%. Tuesday was your fault. I was there! I was scanned in, handed a towel and everything. It was when I asked for a card to the Spin class that you gave me the cold shoulder. I think you over reacted about Monday if that was your point. Turning me away and saying the class was full was a little harsh. You know I only bring my bike shoes with me! And yes...I learned my lesson...I will pack tennis shoes from now on. Wednesday you know I never go, so I can only hope you didn't take that personally. But it is today I'm concerned about. You see I won't be going tomorrow b/c I have a Backyard Beach Party at work. We are leaving at 2pm to go...well...have a party! No one wants me on a bike after a couple hours of some beverages and hotdogs.

And then Saturday is spend with Julie on the Cinco de Mayo party that has been planned for a year only to be followed by Karen's Birthday dinner. Let's not forget Brunch Sunday with Julie and her husband. I suppose I could fit you tonight and then Saturday morning. But at this point I'm all of about this close (making the "this close" motion with my hands) to saying "Ahhh, I'll just start fresh on Monday. Sigh.

So that brings me back to today. Do I go? I'm wearing my glasses. I'm so torn, awwwww. Why is live so hard?

Derek...I'm going to have to call you back!

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