Tuesday, March 30, 2010

ChaCha Changes

I was going to change my layout for my blog. I've never had anything different than the black background with a picture of Ashe when he was about 3 years old looking out the window. When I started to look into changing it, I quit. As I always do. The templates and layouts just get to complicated and time consuming. I just want to post.

Today is Day 2 of my Insanity workout. There are literally no words to describe the feeling I had halfway through the video. I could barely do the push-ups, my legs kicking back were limp. I was focusing on the small paint chip that has flaked off on my wall I never noticed before. I couldn't hear or cared to hear what Shaun was telling me to do. I was just trying to focus on doing the correct form as many times as I could before we switched to the next position. My cat kept peaking into the room and would occasionally walk through the room carefully as to avoid getting side swiped. I was in so much pain I couldn't talk. But I couldn't quit either. I had to keep going.

It. Was. Hard.

I don't think I have felt this way since High School in basketball practice. There is even a part of it that you squat, jump up, and shoot a basketball. Not a real one, but you act like you are. That gave me a boost of energy.

This is by far the hardest workout, but I'm going to do it. And go insane.

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