Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pure Insanity

I did something today that is just plain crazy. I ordered this:

A death by workout, take your money, and run program. My friend Adrienne completed it and says it 100% works and is worth it. I'm scared.

I may or may not talk about it on here. Depending on my success or failure. I dare you to do it too. (Durbin. I double dog dare you.)


p.s. this totally goes against everything I said in my blog called Envy. nice.


KRiSTiN said...

Your only double dog daring me because I'm the only friend you have that reads and comments on this thing.

If your friend did it, why didn't you just borrow hers?

Spending money on things sucks. :( Maybe I'll just borrow yours when you're done. :O)

Sarah said...

1. I double dogged dared you because you are the only friend who comments.

2. my friend doesn't live here and she is going to continue doing it. so is her husband.

3. spending money does suck. See you tomorrow night with my $10 to hand you. :|

4. you can borrow mine for a small fee of...something I can't think of right now.

KRiSTiN said...

LOL. i spent more than $10 on snacks and then i get to spend the $10 again, too. :) but in the FUTURE, it'll be a super cheap, fun girl night. :) you can make friends with these people, then when you get married, they have to get you a gift. see? i'm doing you a favor. this is an investment. ;) bunco brings people together.

Adrienne Wagner said...

Sarah, you're going to be FINE!!!! Just take it one day at a time. I'm starting it over again in a few days but seriously, if I can do it, YOU can do it!

Sarah said...

Ha! Thank you Adrienne!! See Durbin...I DO have other friends that read this and comment.

KRiSTiN said...

Whatever. You created another profile as a cover and commented yourself. tee-hee ::wink::