Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2006 - 30 Years in 30 Days

This year in May when my lease was up I moved back downtown to Deep Ellum. I lived in another loft called Adam Hats. It was an old Hat Mill. It was pretty cool. I loved this place! Most people in or around the area refers to it as the Murder Lofts. And that means excatly what it sounds like. There was a very tragic murder that happened in there years ago. I'm not going to tell the story b/c it is very tragic and involved children. However, it is were I lived so it must be a part of the blog. Here is the building: Shortly after I moved in there I moved jobs. I heard of a job opening at a company called Clark Consulting. I had heard nothing but great things about the company as well as the people who worked there. Well, all but one. I had "heard" of this girl Karen that worked there and how just awful she was. LOL - Whatever!!! As soon as I started working there we sat across each other at Hurricanes on Greenville for a company outing. Someone brought of the subject of pet Cats. Next thing you know, Karen and I are comparing stories of how cute our cats are and how we love their personalities. We were instant friends and the person that said she was awful...we were instantly not friends once she found out I thought Karen was cool. This picture is the only one I have of us from 2006. It is from the company holiday party and it cracks me up b/c I totally look naked in this picture!
Also, while at Clark, Imet Lauren Knight. She had family in Oklahoma so we had a common interest. She came up to me in the war room my first week and introduced herself. Was very friendly and welcoming. I was really happy to be working at such a nice company. That fall we took a road trip to Stillwater to watch the A&M/OSU game. She had never been to Joe's so that was a fun treat for the both of us. Lauren now has moved to Tulsa and is engaged! We have lost touch, but have great memories of our friendship.
This was also the year that I started dating Josh. He had worked at Centex for a little while in the Benefits Department and we hit it off in the file room when he made a joke about the name Barthlomew. I remember it so clearly b/c it was so funny. I was making copies and he was filing old paperwork. He stopped, looked up at me and said, "Barthlomew. If I had a cat I would name him Barthlomeow." I died laughing. Best humor! We laughed a lot together. Hubert's Keys. Mustardviors. hehehe. We dated on again off again for close to a year, then called it quits. Don't talk much these days, but we left on good terms.

Now when Josh and I stopped dating, I continued to be friends with some of the girlfriends I had met through him. One of them was Lauren McCann. I think the picture below tells how our friendship was. We would go out together and just be CRAZY. There was this one time at..oh my..I have forgotten the name. It is gone now. It was in West Villiage by Taco Diner. It is Social House now. I think it was called Nikki or something? You walked in and went downstairs. Very seedy and dark. Well, we went there once and we were having such a good dance party, Lauren started walking on the WHITE leather sofa's. Why we thought that was ok?? I don't know. And there are many other stories.

2006 was a good year. 2007....that is my FAVORITE year of my life when it comes to just having fun with friends. The summer of 2007. Can't Wait.

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